To Burn or Not to Burn? That’s Still the Question

Maureen Frank, PhD, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, will talk about what it means for scientists to get unexpected, unexciting results; plans for future research; and why this study on prescribed burns still has important implications for private landowners who manage bird habitat. Click HERE to Join the Zoom Meeting. Please note we are starting…

Climate Watch Training

Participation in Climate Watch is a unique opportunity to show the impact of global climate change on a personal, local level. This Audubon initiative relies on community members to observe potentially vulnerable bird species and report their findings, helping scientists understand how birds are responding to a changing climate. You do not need to be…

PurpleMartins78209 Project

The sounds of Purple Martins chattering from dawn to dusk are highly intoxicating and the benefits of this beautiful bird are noteworthy. We will learn about the project Allison Haynes and her husband have undertaken at the existing Purple Martin houses near Judson Nature Trails and the one they installed near St. David’s Church in Terrell…

Duckology Online Workshop

Patsy Inglet will present techniques to distinguish domestic waterfowl from the wild ducks and separate ducks from swans, geese, loons, grebes, coots, gulls, and other swimming birds. Link for the Zoom will be send on the day of the workshop. All workshop attendees will receive a link to the recording of the program and some…


Birds of Prey: Some Biology, Some Ecology, and Maybe a Few ID Tips

Matt Reidy, a wildlife biologist with the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, will give us an overview of birds of prey.  A bird aficionado, Master Falconer,  and avid hunter, Matt really enjoys learning about and managing native wildlife and habitats. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Ecology and Management from Texas A&M University and…

City Nature Challenge: Using iNaturalist for Science and Learning

With the 2021 City Nature Challenge (CNC) coming soon (April 30 - May 3), now is the time to get ready! Join us for Craig Hensley's presentation on how iNaturalist and the City Nature Challenge contribute to conservation, and how you can participate and contribute. You’ll be introduced to iNaturalist, our Texas Nature Trackers program,…

Wildscaping: Creating Habitat in Our Cities

Judit Green, an Urban Wildlife Biologist with Texas Parks & Wildlife for the past 27 years, will teach you how to turn part of your property into a garden that encourages a variety of wildlife to visit—especially birds, butterflies, and pollinators. Approved for AAMN AT hours.

Vulnerability of Urban Forests in Central Texas

Urban forests provide benefits to the people who reside in cities, including energy conservation, aesthetics, recreation opportunities, stormwater control, and property value. Dr. Wendy Gordon will discuss the vulnerability of urban forests to climate change and tell us about adaptation strategies that help maintain and improve the benefits of urban forests to people. Dr. Wendy…

Spanish for Birders Online Class

The Spanish for Birders online class will be taught by Dr. Christy Esmahan, who has lived in both Central America and Spain for over 15 years. She is a retired educator who is passionate about birds and she’s a delightful and engaging instructor. The course will include a very brief overview of Spanish pronunciation before…


Coastal Shorebirds

Mitchell Lake Audubon Center online presentation from Patsy Inglet, BAS President.  Learn key identification points for 14 species of shorebirds commonly seen on the Texas Coast. $5 fee. Advance registration required at the Mitchell Lake website.
