
We Heart Birds


Welcome to Bexar Audubon South Central Texas, the official chapter of the National Audubon Society in a 10-county region of South Central Texas. Our mission is to promote the conservation of habitat for birds, other wildlife, and people; support National Audubon Society’s efforts; and encourage responsible local action through education, research, and advocacy. Read more.

Vermilion Flycatcher by Charles J. Sharp (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Meetings & Events

Our in-person and online presentations offer excellent speakers covering a wide variety of topics related to birding, conservation, mammals, insects, and more. Go to the Meetings & Events page for more information and where you'll also see a link to recordings of past presentations.


Bird Flu and You in South Central Texas

What to do about Avian Flu

Many of you may have seen the advisory by The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department about action to slow the spread of bird flu in the Texas avian population. If not, you can read it Here. 

Based on confirmed multiple cases of bird flu in Travis, Wharton, Galveston, El Paso, Potter, and Harris Counties, TPWD is advising communities in Texas to remove bird feeders and bird baths temporarily to limit congregation points where the virus can easily spread and to take other measures to reduce the impact of the highly contagious virus.

The virus, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) poses a serious threat to wild and domestic birds, and could potentially impact human health. Most cases of bird flu have been confirmed in poultry and waterfowl; however, the potential is there to spread the virus to other bird groups and people. 

Community members have asked Bexar Audubon South Central Texas to advise them.

We recommend that community members use good judgment and practice good hygiene. Keeping feeders and bird baths clean is the best practice short of stopping food and water provision altogether. 

If you raise poultry OR cannot follow the guidelines below,
please take in your feeders
and drain you bird baths until further notice.

Clean and disinfect bird feeders regularly; wear disposable gloves and wash your hands afterward.

Clean bird baths regularly; wear disposable gloves and wash your hands afterward.

Do not handle any birds or wildlife with your bare hands.

If you see a sick or dead bird on the ground, DO NOT TOUCH THEM.

  • Report sick or dead birds to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) 24-hour Communications Center (512-389-4848)
  • Take in feeders and empty bird baths temporarily to limit exposure of wild birds to possible infection.
  • Do not allow pets to consume carcasses.

Do not feed wild or domestic waterfowl in parks. Much of the food we see provided in parks is unhealthy for the birds, and feeding encourages the birds to congregate, which creates opportunities for virus transmission.




Birding Group Outing 1 10 20 Santa Ana

A walk in nature connects us with the bigger picture of life that includes us and gives us a chance to discover the birds, wildlife, plants, geography, and geology of our area. See what's on the schedule.

Need a Guide to Lead Your
Bird Walk?

Bexar Audubon South Central Texas members are available to lead bird walks in local parks and natural areas for visitors and residents alike. Please give us at least two weeks of advance notice. Click here to submit a request for a guide.

Have you seen this bird?

Calling all birders!  We need eyes out for egrets forming rookeries.  This can be Cattle, Snowy, or Great Egrets.  Bexar Audubon, in conjunction with several other organizations, have been monitoring the egret rookery sites for the last 2 years as part of a larger effort to develop proactive strategies for managing urban rookeries.  We need to gather data to help inform this process.  This year, we’ve raised $50k in pledges to initiate a bird tagging program.  To tag the birds, we need to know where they are gathering.  If you see egrets gathering and exhibiting mating or nest building behaviors, please post species and counts to eBird then email location to [email protected].  We’ll ground truth the sightings and assess feasibility of access for tagging.  Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Conservation ACTION

LRenderSong Sparrow Cropped

Being invested in the ecological and environmental health of our community is a commitment that Bexar Audubon South Central Texas leadership takes to heart. Read more. We also encourage you to keep up with the news of the day by checking our website's We Love Birds Bulletin.


Bexar Audubon
South Central Texas (BASCTx) Logo T-Shirts

If you have not already purchased YOUR
T-shirt, a limited number of shirts in sizes M, L, XL will be on sale at monthly meetings and other Bexar Audubon SCTx events.

Shirts are $25 each, including tax, and payment can be by cash, check, or major credit card.



NAS and BASCTx Statements on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

National Audubon Society:

The birds Audubon pledges to protect differ in color, size, behavior, geographical preference, and countless other ways. By honoring and celebrating the equally remarkable diversity of the human species, Audubon will bring new creativity, effectiveness, and leadership to our work throughout the hemisphere. With a plurality of voices, we will inspire more people and conserve more habitats.

Bexar Audubon South Central Texas:

Bexar Audubon South Central Texas is committed to helping make bird watching safe, welcoming, and accessible for all. We welcome and encourage appreciation of our natural world while promoting its preservation and protection. We believe that birding is for everybody, and that the birds we love and the habitats they rely on benefit most when more people are engaged in protecting them. We believe that anyone who enjoys looking at birds is a "birdwatcher." We do not discriminate because of skill level, length of time identifying as a birdwatcher, age, gender, skin color, size, sexual orientation, disability, religion, socioeconomic status, or national or ethnic origin.

What to Do if You Find
an Injured Bird

Should you find a bird (or other wildlife) that has been injured, please call:

Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation
(San Antonio, TX)
Roger & Phyllis Sherman Animal Care Complex
166 Babcock Rd, San Antonio, TX 78201
Phone: (830) 336-2725

Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation
(Kendalia, TX)

P.O. Box 369, Kendalia, TX 78027
Phone: (830) 336-2725
Email: [email protected]

If you find an injured raptor, please contact:
Last Chance Forever Bird of Prey Conservancy
(210) 499-4080


Looking for a New Scope or Binoculars?

The National Audubon Society has created a guide to buying a spotting scope and a guide to buying binoculars. The guides break down suggestions by price-range. You can also visit our local retail partner, Wild Birds Unlimited, for additional information.

Bird Field Guide in Spanish

Did you know the National Audubon Society's Guide to North American Birds is available online in Spanish (La Guía de Aves de América del Norte)? Each entry includes a color illustration, Spanish name, scientific name, and a link to species' calls and songs.

Join & Support



Bexar Audubon Society of San Antonio relies on donations to fund the activities that support our mission. Please click here to find out more about how your donation helps birds and their conservation.