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Outing: Black Cap Heaven Ranch, Harper, TX, Gillespie County

Event Chairs: Sherie Gee and Patsy Inglet


Bird Walk on Private Ranch: Black Cap Heaven Ranch, Harper, TX, Gillespie County

April 12, 2025, 8 am to Noon (CORRECT DATE)

Ranch Gate: 30.3366, -99.1939

Directions to the ranch from HEB Plus in Boerne

BASCTx Board Member, Allison Hayne has arranged for a bird walk on 125+-acre Black Cap Heaven Ranch, Gillespie County, Harper, TX. Representatives of the ranch, which is currently for sale, will meet us at the gate at 8 AM to walk us down the road and along the trails to look for birds on this classic Hill Country property. The road is unpaved, and the trails are unimproved, although mostly level. Wear stout hiking boots and bring a walking stick if that helps you navigate uneven ground.

The ranch is about 1 hour 20 minutes from downtown San Antonio; carpooling can be arranged for those who sign up for this cool outing. Those wishing to carpool will meet at the HEB Plus Store in Boerne (just off IH-10) by 6:45 AM; parking lot near the gas station) to continue to drive to the ranch.

We will bird from 8 AM to 11 AM, have lunch on the ranch, and return to HEB-Boerne/San Antonio by 1-1:30 PM.

If you need to leave earlier, you must drive your own vehicle. If you wish to carpool, please let Sherie Gee know if you are willing to drive and how many others you can take. If you wish to ride with someone else, we will do our best to find a space for you.

Dress for the weather and for ranch walking. Bring your binoculars and your sharp eyes and ears.

April 12, 2025
Outing: Black Cap Heaven Ranch
Start Time: 8:00 AM
End Time: 12:00 PM
Available Spots