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Comfort Water Treatment Ponds & James Kiehl Natural Area

Event Chairs: Sherie Gee and Patsy Inglet


Outing: Comfort Water Treatment Ponds and James Kiehl Natural Area (Kendall County)

April 10, 2025
8:00 AM -12:00 PM

The starting location will be the Comfort Water Treatment Ponds located just beyond the Buckhorn Golf Course entrance off HWY473 near Comfort (Take Exit 524 off IH-10 and follow these directions); this about a 45-minute drive from central San Antonio. Please park on the gravel area just behind the ponds gate—we are asked to NOT park on the golf course parking lot. The walk around the ponds will be in a compact area on generally level ground but with a couple of very short climbs up an inclined embankment. We will be walking through some sections of grass, and “mud boots” will be appropriate.

The second stop will be the nearby James Kiehl Natural Area, 118 River Bend Road, just off FM 473 in Kendall County. The walk will be on level ground for about 1.5 to 2 miles. There are some possible sections of grassy areas, so mud boots remain appropriate. We will target 12 noon to finish at James Kiehl Natural Area, but we could run a bit longer. 

Please bring snacks and plenty of water. It will be easy for any participants who need to leave early to do so.

The leader will be Ken Butler. Please contact Ken directly if you need directions on the day of the outing:
713-409-8656. If you have questions or need to cancel after you sign up, please contact Sherie Gee:
slgee@yahoo.com or 210-367-1625 (mobile).

PLEASE NOTE: The Water Treatment Pond is restricted to 7 visitors at a time, including the leader. Therefore, only SIX birders can sign up for this outing.

All spots have been filled.

April 10, 2025
Comfort Water Treatment Ponds_James Kiehl Park
Start Time: 8:00 AM
End Time: 12:00 PM
Available Spots