Join and Support Bexar Audubon
South Central Texas
Your membership in Bexar Audubon South Central Texas
helps us accomplish our mission of protecting birds, other wildlife, and their habitats.
But your support through membership and donations does much more!
Your much-appreciated membership dues and donations to Bexar Audubon South Central Texas support:
- Educational programs about birds for people of Bexar and surrounding counties
- Excellent outings by knowledgeable leaders who guide us to birds in many locales
- Educational booths/speakers at events in and around San Antonio
- Communication with city, state, and federal governmental agencies regarding the protection of birds and their habitat in a fast-growing urban world
- Chapter eNewsletter with local reporting on our outings, activities, and conservation news
- Invitations to special events in the area
- One of the best native gardens and birding hotspots in San Antonio at Mitchell Lake Audubon Center
By joining Bexar Audubon South Central Texas, you also join National Audubon and will receive the beautiful, award-winning Audubon magazine as a bonus to protecting birds
Please join BASCTx today; an annual membership is just $20. Click on the Join button below and you will be taken to the National Audubon Society website. Bexar Audubon is designated as your local chapter and your $20 will come back to us. Any amount you give over $20 will go to National Audubon.
If you would like to donate funds directly to Bexar Audubon South Central Texas after paying your $20 membership fee to National Audubon, please use the Donate button in the right column on this page.
Donations beyond your membership dues are greatly appreciated and needed if you would like to make a tax-deductible donation. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can check out securely with a credit card or debit card as a guest after you've clicked on the Donate button below. If you prefer to send a check, make it out to Bexar Audubon and mail it with this form to Bexar Audubon at P.O. Box 6084, San Antonio, TX 78209-6084.
Donate to the BASCTx
Community Grant Support Fund
In December 2021, Bexar Audubon Society initiated the Community Grant Support Fund, a dedicated fund now maintained by Bexar Audubon South Central Texas. The Fund is used to support community conservation initiatives that further the goals of Bird City Texas within the geographic region served by BASCTx (Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Guadalupe, Kendall, Kerr, Medina, and Wilson counties). Donors to BASCTx may designate this fund when making donations. Donations into this fund will either be allocated during the current fiscal year or rolled over to the following fiscal year.
To renew your membership to both Bexar Audubon South Central Texas and National Audubon, click here to access the National Audubon Society’s renewal page.