May 8 Kirchoff Prairie Bird Survey

Kirchoff Prairie 1444 County Road 210, Floresville, Texas, United States

Bird Bioblitz: Saturday, May 8 from 8 a.m. to noon. Volunteer teams will document the birds of Kirchoff Prairie between 8 and 10 a.m. and are invited to bird other parts…

Kirchoff Prairie BioBlitz

Kirchoff Prairie 1444 County Road 210, Floresville, Texas, United States

General BioBlitz: Saturday May 15, from 8 a.m. to mid-afternoon. Volunteer teams will document the insects, mammals, and plants of the Kirchoff Prairie. Team leaders will provide some training before going into…

Doc & Martha Documentary

Journey with Doc and Martha, Matagorda Island naturalists, in this 26-minute documentary from producer Greg Pasztor.

The Serengeti: Mega-Migration and Super Diversity

Come with Bexar Audubon Society as we experience a virtual visit to the Serengeti with Peter Roberts. The Serengeti ecosystem spans much of northern Tanzania into southern Kenya in East…

BAS Annual Meeting

We'll certify the voting for BAS Board Officers during our Annual Meeting online. Everyone is welcome to join us.