Wildscaping: Creating Habitat in Our Cities

Judit Green, an Urban Wildlife Biologist with Texas Parks & Wildlife for the past 27 years, will teach you how to turn part of your property into a garden that…

Vulnerability of Urban Forests in Central Texas

Urban forests provide benefits to the people who reside in cities, including energy conservation, aesthetics, recreation opportunities, stormwater control, and property value. Dr. Wendy Gordon will discuss the vulnerability of…

Spanish for Birders Online Class

The Spanish for Birders online class will be taught by Dr. Christy Esmahan, who has lived in both Central America and Spain for over 15 years. She is a retired…


Coastal Shorebirds

Mitchell Lake Audubon Center online presentation from Patsy Inglet, BAS President.  Learn key identification points for 14 species of shorebirds commonly seen on the Texas Coast. $5 fee. Advance registration…


Migratory Bird Fest and Birdathon 2021

Mitchell Lake Audubon Center is excited to bring back Migratory Bird Fest and Birdathon 2021, after a short break due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year we celebrate Migratory Birds while…

Balcony Birding in the Time of Coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives in myriad ways, but it had a silver lining in that many people spent far more time looking for birds in their home environment.…

Katie Fallon: Saving the Cerulean Warbler

Register to Hear Migratory Bird Fest Keynote Speaker Katie Fallon's Presentation about Cerulean Warblers 3/27 @ 6 PM| Zoom | $5 | Registration Required Register here Katie Fallon is the author…


iNat Lights Out Texas Training Session

Attend this training session to learn how to use iNat for recording bird casualties collected during our Bird Strike Surveys in downtown San Antonio April 19 - May 7. Please…