Latest Past Events

Hornsby Bend Field Trip with Travis Audubon

World Shorebirds Day at Hornsby Bend with Travis and Bexar Audubon 7:30 AM – 10:30 AM Celebrate World Shorebirds Day at Hornsby Bend, Austin’s premier birding site and excellent location to view long-distance shorebird migrants. Although peak shorebird migration will have passed, there may be some surprises that drop in. Past early-September records include Ruddy Turnstone, Black–bellied Plover…

Outing to Mitchell Lake for Inland Shorebirds Webinar Follow-up

BAS Vice President Patsy Inglet will lead this webinar to help you learn about 14 species of shorebirds that can be found in Central Texas. Why focus on shorebirds so far from the coastal shore? Because not every bird found at the shore is a shorebird, and not every shorebird is found at the coastal shore.…

BAS Online Auction

We are raising funds to support our Community Grant program to help local organizations with conservation projects that benefit birds and their habitat. Auction items include: Artwork, Hill Country Escapes, Photography Ranch Trip, Handmade Quilt, Game Cameras, and more. An anonymous donor will match the amount raised up to $10,000, which means we can do…