Outing to Mitchell Lake for Inland Shorebirds Webinar Follow-up
BAS Vice President Patsy Inglet will lead this webinar to help you learn about 14 species of shorebirds that can be found in Central Texas. Why focus on shorebirds so far…
BAS Vice President Patsy Inglet will lead this webinar to help you learn about 14 species of shorebirds that can be found in Central Texas. Why focus on shorebirds so far…
We are raising funds to support our Community Grant program to help local organizations with conservation projects that benefit birds and their habitat. Auction items include: Artwork, Hill Country Escapes,…
Eres Gomez will present an online program about rodenticides and raptors.
Bexar Audubon and San Antonio Audubon Society present a special program online by Dr. Doug Tallamy, author of Nature's Best Hope.
Visit the BAS booth at the Arbor Day Fest at Southside Lions Park East, 4000 Pecan Valley Drive (lakeside near Pavilion 1). Sponsored by SA Parks and Recreation.
Learn about South-Central Texas ducks during this webinar from Patsy Inglet. Cost is $5.
Visit the BAS booth at this event at Mission County Park.
Wild Birds Unlimited of San Antonio is thrilled to host this in-store event featuring Richard Crossley! Monday, November 14 at 9:00 AM Richard Crossley presents: LEARNING TO LOOK Enjoy an…
Leader: Lora Reynolds (210/414-0792) Description: We'll meet in the parking lot of the park on the north side of Stone Oak Parkway and look for winter birds. Walk is limited to…
Canyon Lake Birding and Guided Tour of Canyon Lake Gorge Sunday | December 11 | 8:00 AM for Birding | 11:30 AM for Gorge Tour | 1:30 PM for Lunch…